Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Heinosity of A Drunk Mother

Welcome to The World According To, Um, Me. You're going to see stories of the mainstream, stories of the sublime, and my reactions to this. No person is safe from my tirades. Political figures, athletes, celebrities, and as you will see below, even regular people will be targeted. You're going to see movie reviews, and anything else I could POSSIBLY have an opinion on in the world.

I saw a story on the news recently that is both sad and bizarre. A woman from St. Augustine, Florida was spotted by police under the influence of drinking and driving. When the police got to her vehicle, they found a case of beer in the front seat, buckled into the seat belt, while her one year old daughter was in the back seat, not buckled up. Yes, you read that correctly. A case of beer, buckled. A one year old child, not. Talk about one messed up drunk.

Tina Williams, the idiot drunk, should be absolutely vilified by the press, the public, her family, anyone who has access to her. I don't want to hear this "alcoholism is a disease" crap. This woman should be spending a long time in jail. No, scratch that. Jail is too good for her. There is no way this woman should have custody of her daughter, EVER. That should only be the beginning of the troubles for this woman. Here's what I would love to see happen to this insignificant woman. I would love to see her brought out into the streets, 1800s style. I would love to see the every person who lives in St. Augustine, Florida take a can of beer and pour it over her head. However, so she couldn't enjoy the taste of the beer, she should have her mouth taped shut with duct tape. Then, she should be paraded around town, taped to a chair sitting on a flatbed trailer, while people line the streets and throw seat belts at her. Is this punishment harsh and inhumane? Probably. But then again, isn't what she did to her poor one year old daughter harsh and inhumane? Absolutely. She deserves to be humiliated and treated with the same disrespect that she treated her daughter. This woman needs to learn a lesson about humility and about drunk driving.

She's been charged with driving under the influence, reckless endangerment, driving without a license, driving without a child safety seat, and running a red light. The punishments for those will be severe, however, not severe enough. The jail time she's going to serve won't do anything to stop her from doing this again. The public humiliation would certainly do the trick.


The D to the O to the NNY said...

Similarly there was a case like that here in Ontario where a man was pulled over for violating the seatbelt laws by not wearing a seatbelt while operating a car. However the two full cases of beer in the back seats were both buckled in.

Timothy Farmer said...

Amazing the lengths a drunk will go to in order to protect their beer.